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Concord Academy Main Street

the main gate of concord academy

Concord, MA

The Main Street Master Plan focused on the edge between Concord Academy’s campus and the public realm on Main Street. Crowley Cottrell developed guidelines to create a unified image for the school, clarify public and private spaces, and improve the connection between Main Street and campus.


Improvements began with the Main Gate, providing a safe and inviting entry to the school for vehicles and pedestrians. Crowley Cottrell coordinated with the town of Concord on installing a new sidewalk and street lighting. New and renovated site elements along Main Street were approved by the Historic District Commission, including restored wrought iron fences and gates, relocated granite piers, and brick terrace.

Winner of the 2016 Concord Preservation Award for the restored main entry.


Team: Crowley Cottrell, Collaborative Lighting, M.J. Cataldo Landscape & Construction

elevation drawing on the main gate of concord academy
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